
RECO / Resource Collection Project 

Poor waste management in Mombasa County is an entrenched problem with long term effects on communities and their environment. This comes down to poor physical planning and lack of working recycling approaches. But more fundamentally it is a social problem thanks to negative attitudes around handling of waste. The bad practices people have in regards to disposal of waste for instance is largely responsible for the environmental pollution.

Big Ship’s waste management component is founded on 1) Conducting awareness and education on best practices and 2) Facilitating capacity building in resource recovery within the waste value chain.

And as far as the waste value chain is concerned, some of what is usually considered as waste material is not really waste. Most of it is in fact a resource, which can be recovered, processed and brought back into the economy for consumption. Thus we refer to our operations in this regard as Resource Collection! 

  1. Achievements on best practices awareness and education 
  • Youth trained on Attitude and Behavior Change (ABC) 
  • Schools involved in the Waste Management programs
  • A developed ABC concept

  1. Achievements on capacity building facilitation  
  • Resource collectors (RCs) serving thousands of households
  • RCs linked to transfer facility
  • Waste recovery operations activated 

Boresha Jamii Project – Urban Resilience

Meanwhile Big Ship also seeks to promote empowerment of local communities, both urban and rural poor, targeting the youth, women & other marginalized groups. Boresha Jamii Urban Resilience Program is a labor market oriented project that integrates life skills and entrepreneurship training together with Volunteering, Internship & Mentorship Program (VIMP)

Boresha Jamii focuses on addressing the SDGs number 1 and 8. The Sustainable Development Goal 1 seeks to eradicate extreme poverty. SDG 8 encourages entrepreneurship & job creation by supporting youths & women to discover and develop their skills to be all-rounded individuals for both formal and informal work.

VIMP Program

State of unemployment brought about by lack of important life skills, labor market skills & Career Planning as seen traditionally marginalized communities remain poor & more vulnerable to pandemics like Climate Change and #COVID 19. 

Volunteership and Internship Mentorship Program (VIMP) is a career development and mentorship program that creates an ecosystem of practitioners in different fields of practice to interact and practically build skills and knowledge. Through mentorship with people of the industry, career counseling and participating in community service eventually participants have discover and develop their different unique job market skills.

Flagship project: #BringBackTudorCreek

Approximately 80% of the mangrove ecosystem in Tudor Creek has been depleted thanks to unsustainable exploitation and pollution. Majority of the poor and marginalized youth and women in adjacent communities are therefore faced with direct, daily consequences of this degeneration. 

To stop poor practices that makes communities vulnerable to Climate change effects, the #BringBackTudorCreek campaign promotes multi stakeholder engagements that includes local communities, corporates and duty bearers. 

You can join the campaign by supporting the ongoing activities.

Result Highlights 

  • Planted Mangroves – 302,532
  • Restored area – 200 ha
  • Partnerships – 58
  • Adopted sites – 65
  • Employment linkages – 500
  • VIMP beneficiaries – 120 

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      About Us

      A group of dynamic and passionate youth had noticed the deteriorating state of the surrounding environment due to increased human activities and decided to bring about change.

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